Monday, 10 July 2017
What Does Understanding Consist
My aim in this paper is to address certain questions about
intentionality in the form of understanding, the most important of which are
the following. Is understanding an event or process, as when I say that I now
understand or that I did understand but no longer do? If understanding can
occur at a particular time, when we need not be manifesting it, then it must
involve dispositions, so that we understand a rule, for instance, if we are
disposed to follow it correctly. But should I say that my understanding
consists in following the rule, or being thus disposed, or that it is in this
way that I manifest my understanding, which itself is a mental state?
If understanding is a mental
state, how is it connected with the overt behaviour by which it may be publicly
manifested? Surely the one can occur without the other. Again, if there is such
a mental state how is it connected, not with behaviour but with thoughts and
mental images? Can I not have a mental image of a word, say, without
understanding the word? Clearly I can, but perhaps if I understand the word
then this informs my mental image of it. Similarly, if a word is on the tip of
my tongue, and if all at once I have it, then surely that eureka experience is
inseparable from my sudden realisation that it is the right word. Could it be,
then, that understanding is irreducible, so that it cannot be reduced to its
behavioural manifestations or to mental content if in each case they are
non-cognitively described?
Also, there is a
question about incorrigibility: If I sincerely claim that I have toothache,
then arguably I cannot be mistaken, which I can be if I claim to understand the
word ‘toothache’; but this makes
sense only if the argument is that I cannot be mistaken provided that I
understand the word ‘toothache’ or the sentence ‘I have toothache’. But surely
I understand the sentence ‘I have toothache’, said by me of myself, only if I
do have toothache. And now it follows logically, but trivially, that I cannot
be mistaken in my claim to have toothache. The question, then, is whether any
statement about oneself can be incorrigible in a non-trivial sense.
That, in the form of
questions, is the problem of intentionality applied to the concept of understanding,
and since we are not going to have time to cover all of it, what I suggest is
that I focus on the occurrent and dispositional aspects of understanding and on
the question of whether it is irreducible.
If we start with
Wittgenstein on understanding, we may first of all ask whether it has to be
manifested in overt behaviour, in line with his dictum that inner processes
stand in need of outward criteria. He says that to understand a formula we need
to be able to apply it according to public standards of correct use, so that it
is not enough just to have it in our minds, for we also need to be suitably
disposed with regard to public application of the formula.
Let us try to construct a
counter-example. Suppose that a monolingual Frenchman and myself have the
following English sentence, which I shall call sentence A, in our minds: ‘How
many 7’s are there in the set of natural numbers between 1 and 99 inclusive?’
Suppose I have just read this sentence and understand it, whereas the Frenchman
has been taught to uncomprehendingly read it aloud and has memorised it. If we
now ask what makes the difference between us, then one answer is that unlike
him I have the dispositions appropriate to understanding. It would seem, too,
that these need not be behavioural dispositions, for it could be that without
saying or writing anything I have the following thought, which I shall refer to
as sentence B: ‘How many 7’s? Let me see: 7, 17, 27 – hang on, one 7 for every
ten numbers, ten tens in a hundred, therefore the answer is ten 7’s.’ To have
this thought is to actualise one of the dispositions I need to have when
entertaining sentence A if I am to understand it.
course, I could have actualised a behavioural disposition, for instance by
writing down sentence B, but the point is that I did not need to, contrary to
what Wittgenstein seems to be saying. But now, let us take this further: should
I say that my understanding of sentence A, which the Frenchman lacks, consists
only in my being suitably disposed? The trouble here is that it is easy to
imagine that the Frenchman has been taught to parrot not only the question but
also the answer, so that he, too, has sentence B in his mind. Perhaps, then,
there is an essential difference which so far we have overlooked, and an
obvious candidate concerns the qualitative difference in the experience of
thinking or speaking the sentences. When the Frenchman has them in his mind, he
experiences them as I would a Russian script that I have learnt by heart. If we
imagine my having some limited interaction with Russians, then it could be that
I am taught to speak a particular Russian sentence in response to being
prompted in Russian, so that in speaking the sentence I do have dispositions
but with no understanding of what I say or am disposed to say.
It is arguable, then,
that there is a qualitative difference in the experiences of entertaining a
sentence with and without understanding, and this would fit with the fact that
if to understand a sentence is to be suitably disposed with regard to other
sentences, then they too have to be understood. Thus, I understand sentence A
if, for instance, I am disposed to respond with sentence B, but only if I
understand sentence B in its turn There is a strong indication here that
understanding should be regarded as being irreducible, which is to say that I
understand sentence A, ‘How many 7’s are there in the set of natural numbers
between 1 and 100?’ if I take it to ask how many 7’s there are in the set of
natural numbers between 1 and 100, there being no other way of putting it. It
is true that sentence A is susceptible of a non-semantic description, as when I
refer to it as consisting of a string of letter sequences, the first of which
is H,O,W; but this is just what the uncomprehending Frenchman would have to
say, whereas it is open to me to add that my understanding of the sentence
informs my experience of it, so that unlike the Frenchman I ‘see’ it, in
inverted commas, not as a string of
letters but as a statement, a sentence charged with meaning, this being the
qualitative difference which was mentioned earlier.
That is the position I wish to defend, for
instance against the charge that no matter how I ‘see 'sentence A, it is always
possible that I do not understand it. It is true, of course, that mistakes are
made, and in fact sentence B gives the wrong answer to question A, the correct
answer being nineteen, not ten. An easy mistake, unlike that of thinking I
understand sentence A when in fact I do not. To bring out this point, imagine
that I am reading a story which, if it is to make any sense, must contain,
apart from correct English, a great deal of detailed scene-setting and
narrative continuity, so that the locations and the lives of the characters
become familiar to me, as in real life. This means that every line of text
generates and confirms my expectations, for instance with regard to the
consistent use of names of people and places. Imagine all that, as with any
story, and now try to entertain the possibility that I am completely mistaken
in thinking that I understand a single word of it. This would be tantamount to
its being not me but the Frenchman who is looking at every word of every line
and thinking that he understands when in fact the words mean nothing to him at
It would, of course, be
very foolish of me to entertain such a possibility, but worse than that it
would also be incoherent. The reason, to go back to sentence A, even though it
is much shorter than the average story, is that if I seriously doubt whether I
understand it, just because it is logically possible that I do not, then I must
also question my grasp of the sentences by which I express that doubt; hence
its incoherence.
To argue as I have
done is to analyse understanding from a
first-person point of view, leaving work to be done with regard to other
people’s understanding. Let us consider, then, a behaviouristic account of it.
Suppose, for instance, that I judge that another person
understands the even number sequence, 2, 4, 6, 8 and so on, given his actions
and what they indicate about those to which he is disposed. Then it could be
argued, as indeed it is, that his understanding is constituted by his
behaviour, not by any inner states and processes which it manifests and
reveals. This is not to deny that to credit him with understanding is to imply
the existence of conscious processes guiding his actions, otherwise my computer
would understand the game of noughts and crosses.
Relevant here is
the undoubted fact that other animals show awareness of their environment, as
with dogs and bats, even if the grasp of arithmetical sequences would seem to
have eluded them thus far. Anthropomorphism apart, we have no insight into the
cognitive processes of a dog fetching its lead or of a bat hanging very
cleverly upside down. All that we can say, or so the theory goes, is that
understanding, even if it requires consciousness, consists in overt behaviour,
particular inner processes being unknowable in the case of other animals and
inessential in the case of people.
Now, it has to be admitted that such
a theory may seem plausible, at least until its full implications are brought
out and a comparison made with a first-person view of what it is to understand.
As already argued, it is very obvious that the facts of my own understanding are
inimical to any analysis that disregards or sidelines conscious processes of
cognition, including those that enter into my judgement of another person’s
understanding. Thus the first-person point of view is inescapable, so that our
task is to reconcile it with the third-person point of view, one approach to
which is to assimilate them to each other as much as possible.
Suppose, for instance, that I come
across a book I remember reading; then what I cannot do, of course, is to
recall my actual cognitive processes at that time, an ignorance of detail which
also extends to what I know of another person when I think that he is reading a
text. What I can say, however, is that he scans every word of every line, that
his understanding informs his reading experience, that for each word he has
numerous dispositions as a condition of understanding it. This is to say that I
attribute to him, as to myself, the essence of what it is to read and to
What, though, of the
fact that what it is to understand is governed by correctness conditions, so
that the concept of understanding is normative? Kripke's argument, as discussed
in previous posts, is that if understanding is dispositional, then from a
first-person point of view, which is that of the individual, one cannot
distinguish between dispositions as they are and as they ought to be. This, for
many theorists, is the crux of the matter, especially if it is realised that
the argument, if valid, also applies to occurrent understanding, all of which
may lead us to expect the distinction to be clear-cut. But now, the problem
here is that in appreciating the distinction, I necessarily take a first-person
stance, since I can take a third-person stance only in the trivial sense, in
the present context, of speaking in the third person or making reference to
other people. Kripke would seem to disagree, for he speaks of the practice of
the community, which he opposes to that of the individual, the former being
such that the practice of the community is, as it were, self-complying, there
being no distinction between that practice as it is and as it ought to
be..Arguing against him, I claimed that nothing could then count as the
practice of the community in Kripke's sense, for there would be no way of specifying
such practice in the case of any particular word. None of this is without
relevance, but my present point is that the distinction in question is grasped
by individuals, of which I am one, so that it is filtered through my own
thoughts, including those by which I distinguish between my own linguistic
practice and that of the wider community. The first-person point of view is
inescapable, even when one's reference is to the practice of a community.
If this is correct, and
again harking back to previous posts, then Kripke must be wrong, and the
distinction between practice as it is and as it ought to be must be one that
the individual can apply to his own reasoning. Consider, then, the previous
question of the number of 7's between 1
and 99, the answer I gave being nineteen, and suppose that I seek confirmation,
to which end I reason as follows. There are nine digits between 1 and 9, after
which there are ninety binary numbers, the total number of digits therefore
being 189. There are nine zeroes, the other digits all having the same
frequency, so that there must be twenty of each. So nineteen is the wrong
answer, this being my conclusion if I can pinpoint my mistake. Ah, now I have
it: I overlooked the fact that 77 has two 7's, not one.
Thus it is that I
incorporate standards of correctness into my own system of reasoning and
belief, further to which is the fact that it is only within a sytem in which I
take for granted my understanding, if it seems to me that I understand, that I
can doubt my understanding in particular cases, all of which is clearly
illustrated in the example just given.
Answer to Last Week's Puzzle
Here is the puzzle again:
The Problem of More Hats and Wearers
There are four men, Arthur, Brett, Chad and Lionel, who is blind, and six hats: 3 red, 2 black, 1 white. As before, they each wear a hat they cannot see, and they can see one another, apart from Lionel, and hear one another. Each sighted man in turn now says that he does not know the colour of his hat. Then Lionel says that he does know.
What is his hat colour and how does he know?
There are four men, Arthur, Brett, Chad and Lionel, who is blind, and six hats: 3 red, 2 black, 1 white. As before, they each wear a hat they cannot see, and they can see one another, apart from Lionel, and hear one another. Each sighted man in turn now says that he does not know the colour of his hat. Then Lionel says that he does know.
What is his hat colour and how does he know?
Solution to problem of more hats and
Arthur says he does not know (the colour of his hat), so it cannot be that Brett, Chad and Lionel are wearing two black hats and a white one, otherwise Arthur would say that his hat is red.
Now Brett says he does not know (the colour of his hat), so it cannot be that Chad and Lionel are wearing the two black hats, otherwise Brett would know that his hat must be red, since it could not be white.
By the same token, Chad and Lionel cannot be wearing a black and a white hat, otherwise Brett would know that his hat must be red, since it could not be black, and nor could it be white, there being only one white hat.
And now Chad says he does not know (the colour of his hat), so it cannot be that Lionel is wearing a black hat, otherwise Chad would know that his own hat must be red, since it could not be black or white; and by the same token, Lionel cannot be wearing a white hat, otherwise Chad would know that his own hat must be red, since it cannot be black, and there is only one white. Therefore, Lionel’s hat is red, a deduction which he has made when he says he knows the colour of his hat.
Arthur says he does not know (the colour of his hat), so it cannot be that Brett, Chad and Lionel are wearing two black hats and a white one, otherwise Arthur would say that his hat is red.
Now Brett says he does not know (the colour of his hat), so it cannot be that Chad and Lionel are wearing the two black hats, otherwise Brett would know that his hat must be red, since it could not be white.
By the same token, Chad and Lionel cannot be wearing a black and a white hat, otherwise Brett would know that his hat must be red, since it could not be black, and nor could it be white, there being only one white hat.
And now Chad says he does not know (the colour of his hat), so it cannot be that Lionel is wearing a black hat, otherwise Chad would know that his own hat must be red, since it could not be black or white; and by the same token, Lionel cannot be wearing a white hat, otherwise Chad would know that his own hat must be red, since it cannot be black, and there is only one white. Therefore, Lionel’s hat is red, a deduction which he has made when he says he knows the colour of his hat.
This Week's Puzzle
99 45 39 36 28 21
72 27 18 21 ? 13 7
The above two rows
of numbers are connected in such a way that the ? stands for a particular
number. What is it? Note that the '7' is not a typo.
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