10, 03, 09 Hello again. Just a reminder that the final essay is due after the Easter break, on 21 st April. You just need to make sure that you select an essay title from the SE4101 list if the essay you have recently handed in was from the SE4102 list, and vice-versa. I’ve marked your essays and will hand them back this Friday 13 th March, between 10 o’clock and midday . This week’s opinion piece It’s on speciesism in the moral sphere: Most of us wish to live morally, conducive to which is that we should either be good or avoid getting caught. What is totally unfair, I think, is that only we humans are expected to show the self-restraint that being good requires, the essence of which is consideration for other people unless they hit you first. When it comes to other species, they can behave as badly as they like without incurring our disapproval, as is graphically illustrated by a very distressing personal experience of mine. I was on a train with a beatitude of nun...