The following is a draft copy of an unpublished article I intended to submit to "Think", the philosophy journal, in response to a reply to an article of mine on the meaning of life. My response article has not been published, but my original published article, or a revised version of it, has now been incorporated into a book I am about to finish. Its title is Solution to the Problems of Intention , Induction, Perception, the Past and Other Minds: The Ultimate Mystery Beyond Scepticism. This book, which I have been writing for too many years for me to care to remember them, will shortly be submitted for publication. I am keeping my fingers crossed − not my real ones, which I need for this keyboard, but my imaginary ones, which I hardly ever use. The Meaning and the Mystery of Life: Reply to Brenda Watson My aim in replying to Brenda Watson’s article (Think 36) in response to mine (Think 33) is twofold: first, to comment on her view of the m...